Come on... can you handle this? Because I cannot.
Weight and Length- I thought I would have to wait until her doctor's appointment next week to find out, but sadly because of our unexpected urgent care trip she was weighed on Monday night and she is 14 pounds, 8.5 ounces! Ahh! Big girl! I knew she had to weigh around 14 pounds because Lillian weighs a little over 13 and Alice is, shall we say, wider than her cousin. =) But it was still a shock that she's so much bigger than when she was born! =( I'm not positive about her length... one of these days I'll have to pin down her squirmy self and measure. We should find out next week at her checkup though.
Nicknames- Alice from the Palace, Love Bug, Squish, Little Girl, Pookie, many other over the top uses of "sugar," baby," sweetheart," etc.
Sleep- doing great! She sleeps around nine hours most nights and more if she skips her last feeding, which I'm trying to phase out a little at a time. She is doing really well in her room but up until this week would not nap in her bed. Starting on Monday when she was sick, she refused to sleep anywhere BUT her room, so we shall see if she sticks to that in the future. I really don't mind that she doesn't, but I feel like she rests better without the interruptions around her so naps in her room would be good. I'm just extremely grateful she sleeps so well at night!
Eating- obviously, she's eating well (see weight. Ha!) She eats pretty much every three hours on the dot if we're home... if we are out and about I may let her go 3.5 and occasionally 4, and at night she is more like 2.5 between her last couple of feedings. Having a schedule is so nice because finally, after weeks of never knowing quite what our day would look like, I can plan around her feeding schedule. (I stuck to a schedule from the time she was born but her first feeding, which determined the rest of the day, wasn't consistent until she was about two months old.) The only time she seems to struggle with nursing is after a day being out/traveling where she has to have several bottles (last Tuesday when we went to Georgia, nursing her that night was a nightmare!) We are getting ready to introduce real food so that is sure to be an adventure!
Clothing- mostly three months, some 3-6. It's already so warm here that I'm a little nervous about her still having lots of wintery 3-6 outfits but at least with the air conditioning being SO cold everywhere, she'll stay warm inside wherever we go. =) Dressing her is so fun... I love it!
Mood- happy sweetheart. This week is the fussiest she's been probably since she's been born. I hate her being sick =( but she has been much jollier since getting her breathing treatments. Overall, she is very happy and content.
-watching basketball with her daddy
-rolling over
-sleeping on her side
-bath time- she's really starting to splash
-music- especially her Disney lullabies and JJ Heller!
-grabbing her feet
-being read to- we are currently working our way through the Chronicles of Narnia series at bedtime!
-sucking her thumb (noooo!)
-drooling and sucking on her fingers/hands (just lovely)
-cuddling with a blanket
Doesn't Love-
-her little bouncy seat, which is too small- time for an upgrade!
-saline and suction =(
-being stuffed up =( =(
-getting stuck on her tummy
-falling asleep on her arm and it falling asleep (just like me!)
What I Want to Remember/Milestones- her personality is showing all the time! She is so sociable, smiley, and happy. She is very determined- when she's trying to roll over or grab something, she works at it! And I'm learning that she does really well with independence/alone time... especially when it comes to sleeping. (Extrovert AND introvert tendencies already!) She's just so much fun right now. She loves silly songs, voices, faces and probably does a better job making herself laugh than anyone else. (She thinks blowing spit everywhere is just hilarious.) I loved seeing her with Lillian this week and watching the bigger kids with her. I hate that she's so far from her cousins but they are so sweet when they're together!
What I'm Looking Forward To- her first Easter and all her cute spring outfits, along with her first (closely-guarded, sunscreen-slathered) trips to the pool.
Me- Motherhood is a strange thing. It brings out emotions and behaviors that you don't usually display, on extreme ends of the spectrum. I've simultaneously become more rigid and more flexible, bolder and more private, and tougher and more selfless. (Slightly contradictory but all true!) I didn't realize just how scheduled I am until a) last week when we were out of town and b) this week with Alice being sick. I've always like to plan my time but I really thrive on our schedule, and I think Alice does too. That being said, I don't want to be one of those people whose schedule rules their lives with an iron fist and they are insensitive to the needs of others because THE SCHEDULE (think THE CLAAAWWW from Toy Story) dictates whether or not we can enjoy time with family, reach out to a friend, or just having some spontaneous fun. (If anyone squelches spontaneity in this house, though, it's Jonathan and not the schedule. Ha! We're just a couple of planners!)
Anyway, I could not love this baby more. It's been just over a year since I found out I was pregnant and I could not have dreamed up a sweeter, prettier girl than the one God gave us. (I'm not biased at all!) There's a meme out there somewhere that has a mom frazzled and stressed and yelling at her kids and then the bottom shows her standing over their beds while they're sleeping and the caption says, "I love you so much I might die." The yelling, frazzled part hasn't started yet but I can definitely identify with the caption! No matter how frustrating a day is, I am overwhelmed every single night that this little squish belongs to me and her daddy. =)
Growing so big! =(
Happy Wednesday!
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