First Grade Wisdom...

Did you know that is a scientifically proven fact that teaching all day makes a person incapable of being productive past 3 pm? 

Okay, I lied. Science has proven no such thing. Science is apparently busy NOT testing my shampoo on animals (meanwhile, if they'd come up with a discovery that would prop up my eyelids long enough to actually get things done when I get home from school, that'd be great.)

In the weeks leading up to spring break, I had many lofty goals- things I'd accomplish during my days off. Organize closets! Blog! Switch out my clothes by season! (Blah! Blah! Blah!) Then, mysteriously, few to none of those things actually happened. Now I've got a semi-break because of a half-day schedule this week, and I'm faced with the same dilemma. So, in the spirit of procrastination (at which I am a professional)...

This picture represents me as a functioning, responsible, productive adult... one who would have already accomplished everything on the following list.

Things I Should Be Doing....

1. Attacking the earthquake epicenter that is our downstairs closet... since I don't have storage in my classroom, all my bulletin board stuff ends up in this closet and it's pretty much atrocious, so... yeah.

2. Finishing the two BIG bins of summer clothes in my room... and sifting through the lifetime supply of t-shirts they contain. Most of it needs to be given away, but I have an emotional attachment to clothes that is not unlike my emotional attachment to fictional characters. They represent memories, right? Fact is, I'm just an overly sentimental person and I should probably get over that before I get featured on Hoarders.

3. Decorating my classroom. I have two big bags of spring/summer stuff waiting to replace my Dr. Seuss stuff and I even made a special trip to Goldsboro to cut out letters today, so it wouldn't be a terrible idea for me to hole up in my room tonight and get it all done. Perhaps with the right Pandora station and a big Dr. Pepper it could be done...

4. Taking advantage of this gorgeous weather by walking outside, before the humidity strikes and I refuse to be outdoors for more than the time it takes to get in and out of my car/house/local Target.

5. Finishing this post before you go jump off a bridge.

Too late... crazy Ashley has taken over and responsible Ashley doesn't have a chance.

Things I'm Actually Doing...

1. Catching up on my recorded movies (including 3 Doris Day musicals from a couple weeks ago- jackpot!). Oh, and now that I have Amazon Prime, I can watch You've Got Mail whenever I want (which is pretty much daily.)

2. Pinning- the ultimate time waster. (BTW, it's Pinterest, NOT Pintrest- like interest, not intrest. =)

3. Re-reading this book. I know I've recommended it at least 5 times in the last year, and I probably sound like a broken record, but it's that good. 

4. Letting you all know that I will be 24 on Sunday, so... yeah. Five shopping days left.

5. Thumbing through my new InStyle magazine and lamenting my lack of the season's must have trend of pastels. (Not really... I'm more of a bright color girl.) 

6. Actually signing off... I've even lost interest... so if you made it the end of this, I commend you. 

My aunt always tells her first graders "Do what you ought to do..." to which they reply in unison, "Not what you want to do!" Okay, fine. Here I go, off to do what I ought to do. (Insert heaving, dramatic sigh.) Have a lovely Tuesday evening, friends.


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