Out of Place...

I know that outfit pictures should probably be coordinated with the right type of background and nothing screams "Incongruity!" like a floral skirt and neon top that rivals the sun in brightness posed in front of a bunch of dead leaves and an overcast sky. It's just my outfit, folks... nobody needs to accuse me of making art, guys. There was no deep thought of "how ironic... the light and the dark, the living and the dead..." here. I'm merely trying to make use of natural sunlight without venturing into the public eye and having people stare at the girl nearly melting into the sidewalk in embarrassment. (Clearly I have no such qualms about being spied by our neighbors.)

Skirt: Loft 
Top: Kohl's 
Cardigan: Aeropostale (old, can you believe it?)
Tights: New York and Company 
Flats: Belk

In case you missed it on Instagram, these saggy tights made me think of Ramona Quimby telling her teacher, "Mrs. Rogers, your pantyhose are wrinkled just like an elephant's legs!" I find this comparison slightly less endearing now that I'm the teacher with the wrinkly legs. 

Deep in thought over which pose to try that will make me look less ridiculous... clearly I never landed on one!

When I bought this skirt, I paid more for it than I normally would and I knew that I loved it... but nothing could have prepared me for the deep, deep fondness I have for this particular skirt. I've worn it so many ways and continue to delight in finding new outfits to make with it. It's so bright that I didn't really think I'd wear it in the fall or winter but with a dark grey cardigan and tights I think it works... it's a nice thick material so it doesn't feel too flimsy to wear in the cold. I hate to name a favorite and hurt my others skirts' feelings, but let's be honest... this one is in the winner's circle for sure.

I could probably prove my love for this skirt a little better by actually photographing it in a nicer background but until I become comfortable posing artfully on a downtown bench or find a deserted warehouse then the decomposing backyard it is. 

I've inspired you, haven't I? It's what artists do. =)


Linked up with Lindsey!


  1. Duh!! I was totally thinking about my feelings on how the contrasting colors of the skirt and the leaves moved me. :)

    But seriously...winter pictures are so hard....especially in NC when things are just kinda dead and not wintery looking.

    This skirt!!!! Oh this skirt!!!! Love it.

  2. I love that you are wearing this outfit in the winter - I hate winter so coping with bright colors is my favorite strategy! Aaaand I totally agree that winter pictures are hard - I probably should just move to California :)

  3. When you posted about this skirt back when you got it, I loved it so much that I went to try to find it for myself. I was not successful. And I'm still sad.

  4. When you posted about this skirt back when you got it, I loved it so much that I went to try to find it for myself. I was not successful. And I'm still sad.


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